Celebrating 25 Years of de Mondion

From its humble conception to its current Michelin-starred status, de Mondion has become a staple in the local cuisine scene. With the restaurant’s 25th anniversary coming up, we are taking a look at what makes de Mondion so special – and sharing the exciting surprise they have prepared in honour of this quarter-of-a-decade celebration!

An assortment of plated delicacies

Throughout the years, de Mondion’s cuisine has undoubtedly evolved, constantly adapting to seasonal produce to bring you the freshest delicacies possible. But while the menu goes through regular changes, one thing at de Mondion has definitely stayed consistent: their passion for sustainability and insistence on supporting local produce, resulting in elevated visuals and taste. With Chef Clint at the helm for the past 23 years, each dish is prepared with love, respect, and care, ensuring an unforgettable dining experience for all patrons.

Chef Clint in the kitchen preparing food

If it’s been a while since you’ve dined at de Mondion, or even if you’ve just been there a few days ago, we suggest heading over for a delicious meal in July. Why July? Because de Mondion’s menu is getting a very special revamp for the month. Their all-favourites menu is something you definitely don’t want to miss, with coveted classics paired alongside modern Michelin hits. Dig into their signature Gozo Octopus, or have your pick from their list of favourite dishes, whilst taking in the unparalleled views of the Maltese countryside.

A table with a plate and wine glass on it, with a view behind it

So, join in the celebrations this July for de Mondion’s 25-year anniversary. And there’s more where that came from, with various other brands conceptualised by the Xara Collection just waiting to be discovered!



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