“Soulful Dishes Every Time”: An Interview with Minoa’s Chef Zohair

When you step into Minoa, on the 11th floor of AX ODYCY in Qawra, you can tell the restaurant has been carefully designed, with every detail curated to enhance each diner’s experience. A project that was brought to life by Chef Zohair Aljatlawi, Minoa is a true gem that embodies the essence of the Mediterranean right by the Qawra coast. Here is what Chef Zohair had to say:

Chef Zohair Aljatlawi

How long have you been a chef?

Being a chef wasn’t necessarily a choice for me. I’ve had a love for the kitchen from a very young age and the idea of working in a kitchen was always ingrained in me. My father had a bakery, and so I grew up surrounded by the smell of bread and the feeling of making it. That is where it all started. After that, my family opened a restaurant, and I helped them run it. So, I’ve always worked with food in some way or other.

How long have you been working at Minoa?

I’ve been working with AX Hotels for the last 5 years in different hotels and the Hilltop Gardens care home, but I’ve been working at Minoa since its conception days and opening in 2023. I oversaw the design of the kitchen concept and menus, so I’ve really been here from the very start.

Tables at Minoa RestaurantHow often do you switch up the menu, and what influences your choices?

The main idea of this restaurant is that we try to use vegetables as much as we can. 65% of the menu is made up of vegetables, and we try to keep it as healthy, and of course, flavourful, as we can. We also cater for various dietary requirements. So we change the menu seasonally, in order to always use fresh local products that truly bring out the essence of our Mediterranean shores. We, of course, offer a range of dishes, from vegetarian and vegan dishes to seafood-inspired plates. We also offer dishes focusing on various cuts of meat, differing with every seasonal menu.

How do you source your ingredients?

For vegetables, we have four or five suppliers, to ensure that we have enough local produce. I always try to choose the best quality available on the market to really bring out the flavours intended in every dish.

Plated Duck BreastHow would you describe your cooking style?

I cook what I love to cook, and I give people what I love to eat. It’s my passion to see diners walk out of here satisfied with every moment of their experience. What I make always comes from the heart and I pride myself in presenting soulful dishes every time.

If you had to recommend one dish from the menu, which would it be?

That’s a very hard question. For me, a dish includes more than just flavours. A dish is made up of flavours, memories, experiences… A lot of things. So, asking me to choose one dish is like asking me who I like the most from my family members! The fact that the menu also changes seasonally allows me to explore different techniques and flavours, which is great but also makes it very difficult to choose just one.

Are there any upcoming projects or concepts you’re excited about?

Soon we’ll be changing the menu to reflect autumnal and winter flavours, so right now I’m thinking about the new dishes to once more bring out the essence of the Mediterranean in this upcoming menu. Of course, in the hospitality industry Christmas is right round the corner at this time of year, so we’re gearing up to present our offerings for the 2024 festive season – and it’s surely to be a flavourful Christmas!

Chef Zohair with clients at Minoa RestaurantIt is very clear that Minoa is a passion project for all involved – but especially for Chef Zohair. He insists that their philosophy is simple – all he wishes is for diners to leave Minoa with memory to cherish.

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